Prof. Merav Shamir
Special interest
Veterinary neurology neurosurgery, wild animal neurology.
Please Visit Our Lab Site:
> Veterinary Neurobiology Lab
Please Visit Our Research Site:
> Clavarial Hyperostosis in Lions (Panthera leo) Research Group
to learn more about neurological diseases in lions, in particular, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of Clavarial hyperostosis.
Vitamin A deficiency is believed to be the underlying cause, but genetic and other environmental factors may predispose some to develop abnormal bone growth.
Professional Experience and Qualifications
Diplomat of the European College of veterinary neurology, Specialist in small animal surgery - Israeli college of veterinary surgeons.
Veterinary neuro-anatomy, neurobiology, neurological examination and clinical neurology and neurosurgery.
The role of BBB in the pathophysiology of neurodegeneration in naturally occurring diseases in animals
Pathophysiology of neurological diseases. Pathophysiology of seizures in the dog. Clavarial Hyperosteosis in lions
Director, Koret School of Veterinary Medicine
International Interests
Member of the education committee, the European College of Veterinary Neurology.
Membership in Scientific Organizations
European Society of Veterinary Neurology.