DVM/M.Sc. and DVM/PhD programs

School Contact Information

Koret School of Veterinary Medicine,
The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agricultural, Food & Environment,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Address: Herzl 229, P.O. Box 12,
Rehovot 76100, Israel

Phone: +972-(0)8-9489021/31;
Fax: +972-(0)8-9467940
E-Mail: vet.school@mail.huji.ac.il


Integrated program for veterinary students combined with studies towards a M.Sc. or Ph.D degree

Integrated programs toward obtaining a degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM), M.Sc. or Ph.D within the Joint Graduate Program of Animal Sciences and Veterinary Sciences.

The objectives of the integrated programs are expressed in the obligation of the Koret School of Veterinary Medicine (KSVM) to research and medical excellence and to the encouragement of veterinary students to engage in veterinary research. The program aims to graduate individuals knowledgeable in important aspects of modern veterinary clinical medicine and basic applied research.

The KSVM will try to allocate funds to students (scholarships or tuition fee), depending on its annual budget.


M.Sc. studies for DVM-M.Sc. students in veterinary medicine.

Students who have completed their B.Sc. degrees with an average grade of 85% are eligible to join the program.

The M.Sc.degree falls within the Joint Graduate Program of Animal Sciences and Veterinary Sciences. Students will be obligated to fulfill all the program requirements (M.Sc. courses, submission of thesis and a final exam). Admission of DVM students to the program is based only on a research based M.Sc. course of studies.

Students in the integrated program will be asked to take a year of absence from the veterinary medicine studies to conduct the research project, subject to approval of the advanced study committee and the Head of the school, throughout the three pre-clinical years. It is possible to split the academic years in veterinary medicine studies (1st-3rd year) to various academic years, but not the clinical year (4th year). Submission of a M.Sc. thesis will exempt the student from submission of the DVM thesis.


Direct Ph.D. course of studies for veterinary medicine (DVM) students (PhD-DVM)

The duration of the clinical studies and the research project will be at least 6 years. A personal course of studies will be determined for each student and students will be exempt from submission of a DVM thesis.

A student in the program will be asked to interrupt his veterinary medicine studies for two academic years, of which one should be during his/her 3 pre-clinical years to carry out the research project

Academic year studies in veterinary medicine can be split, but not the clinical year (4th year). Interruption of studies during the academic years is subject to approval of the Head of the school.

Students in the program will not be able to begin an internship before they fulfill all their obligations in the integrated program (including submission of a Ph.D. thesis).

Approval of the Ph.D. program and the supervisors, receiving reports and appointment of judges will be done by the Authority for Research Students.

Approval of the degree of DVM/Ph.D. will be done by the Head of the School of Veterinary Medicine and by the department Head.

The supervisors and students admitted to the program will be those who agreed to the principles of the program, the requirement to split the studies and the research work.