Selected Recent Publications

School Contact Information

Koret School of Veterinary Medicine,
The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agricultural, Food & Environment,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Address: Herzl 229, P.O. Box 12,
Rehovot 76100, Israel

Phone: +972-(0)8-9489021/31;
Fax: +972-(0)8-9467940


  1. Dahan R, Oreff GL, Tatz AJ, Raz T, Britzi M, Kelmer G. 2018. Evaluation of the Pharmacokinetic Properties of a Combination of Amikacin and Penicillin Administered by Regional Limb Perfusion to Standing Horses. Can Vet J. 60:294-299. (impact factor 0.606, journal rank 62/145, 2 citations).
  2. Berlin N, Kelmer E, Segev G, Aroch I, Kelmer G. 2019. Assessment of the CoaguChek-XS portable Prothrombin time point-of-care analyzer for horses. J Vet Diag Invest. 31:448-452. (impact factor 1.174, 3 citations).
  3. Oreff GL, Tatz AJ, Dahan R, Raz T and Kelmer G. 2020. Surgical management of foreign body obstruction of the small and large colons in 29 equids (2004–2016). Equine Vet Edu. 32:424-430. (impact factor 0.688, journal rank 78/145, 1 citation)
  4. Mandel HH, Sutton GA, Abu E, Kelmer G. 2020. Intralesional application of medical grade honey improves healing of surgically treated lacerations in horses. Equine Vet J. 52:41-45. (impact factor 2.115, journal rank 20/145, 1 citation).
  5. Herbert E, Lopez M, Kelmer G. 2019. Standing flank laparotomy for the treatment of small colon impactions in 15 ponies and one horse. Equine Vet Edu. Epub ahead of print. (impact factor 0.688, journal rank 78/145, 1 citation)
  6. Kelmer G, Doherty, T.J, Elliott, S, Saxton, Andrews, F. M. 2019. Evaluation of Dimethyl Sulfoxide Effects on Endotoxin Induced Delayed Gastric Emptying in Horses. Isr J Vet Med. 74:116-121. (impact factor 0.25, 0 citations)
  7. Gustafsson K, Tatz AJ, Dahan R, Kelmer G. 2020. Use of rotational periosteal flaps in primary repair of sinofacial fractures in seven horses. New Zealand Vet J. 68:119-125. (impact factor 1.345, journal rank 45/141, 0 citations)
  8. Shnaiderman Torban A, Navon-Venezia S, Dor Z, Paitan Y, Arielly H, Abu Ahmad W, Kelmer G, Fulde M, Steinman A. 2020. Extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae shedding in farm horses versus hospitalized horses: prevalence, species characterization, antibiotic resistance patterns and risk factors. Animals. 10:282. (impact factor , journal rank 14/142, 0 citations)
  9. Gustafsson K, Tatz A.J, Dahan R, Britzi M, Soback S, Abu Ahmad W, Kelmer G. 2020. Time to peak concentration of amikacin sulfate in the radiocarpal joint following cephalic intravenous regional limb perfusion in standing horses. Vet Comp Ortho Traum. Epub ahead of print. 
  10. Kelmer GPI. 2016. Regional Limb Perfusion in Horses. Vet Rec, 178:581-584. (impact factor 1.168, journal rank 34/129, 7 citations)
  11. Kelmer GPI. 2020. Clinical Commentary-. Perineal Hernia in Large Animals: A Brief Introduction and a Comparative View. Equine Vet Edu, E-Pub ahead of publication.
  12. Kelmer GPI. Cypher E, Schumacher J. 2021. Simple techniques to decrease tension on sutured wounds of horses. Equine Vet Edu, E-Pub ahead of publication.
  13. Kelmer GPI. 2021. Antimicrobial Intravenous Regional Limb Perfusion - From Theory to Practice, Part 1: Procedure. The Equine Vet Pract, E-Pub ahead of publication.  
  14. Kelmer GPI . 2021.  Antimicrobial Intravenous Regional Limb Perfusion - From Theory to Practice, Part 2: Pharmacokinetics. The Equine Vet Pract, E-Pub ahead of publication.