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Berlin, D., Loeb, E., Baneth, G. (2009) Disseminated central nervous system disease caused by Trypanosoma evansi in a horse. Vet Parasitol. 161: 316-319.
Berlin, D., Nasereddin, A., Azmi, K., Ereqat, S., Abdeen, Z., Baneth, G. (2010) Longitudinal study of an outbreak of Trypanosoma evansi infection in equines and dromedary camels in Israel. Vet Parasitol. 174: 317-322.
Shvartz, G., Kelmer, G., Berlin, D. (2012). Chronic laminitis in a 10 months old Arabian filly. Equine Vet Educ. 21: 408-414.
Steinman, A., Zimmerman, T., Klement, E., Berlin, D., Baneth, G. (2012) A PCR study of Theileria equi in 590 horses in Israel. Vet Parasitol, 187: 558-561.
Kelmer, G., Segev, G., Steinman, A., Berlin, D., Milgram, J., Tatz, AJ. (2012) Surgical treatment for acute small intestinal obstruction caused by Parascaris equorum infection in 15 horses (2002-2011). Equine Vet J Suppl, 43: 111-114.
Berlin, D., Nasereddin, A., Azmi, K., Ereqat, S., Abdeen, Z., Eyal, O., Baneth, G. (2012) Prevalence of Trypanosoma evansi in horses in Israel evaluated by serology and reverse dot blot. Res Vet Sci, 93:1225-1230.
Berlin, D., Kelmer, G., Steinman, A., Sutton, GA.(2013) Successful medical management of intra-abdominal abscesses in four adult horses. Can Vet J. 54:157-161.
Kelmer, G., Raz, T., Berlin, D., Steinman, A., Tatz, AJ. (2013) Standing open-flank approach for removal of enlarged pathologic ovaries in mares. Vet Rec, 172: 687.
Kleinerman, G., Baneth, G., Mumcuoglu, van Straten, M., Berlin, D., Apanaskevich, Abdeen, Z., Nasereddin, A., Harrus, S. (2013). Molecular detection of Rickettsia africae, Rickettsia aeschlimannii and Rickettsia sibirica mongolitimonae in camels and Hyalomma spp. ticks from Israel. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis. 13: 851-856.
Berlin, D. (2014) A Filly Born At 280 Days of Gestation: Management, Complications and final outcome. Israel J Vet Med, 69: 91-96.
Aharonson-Raz, K., Rapoport, A., Hawari, M., Lensky, I.M., Berlin, D., Zivotofsky, D., Klement, E., Steinman, A. (2014) Novel description of force of infection and risk factors associated with Theileria equi in horses in Israel and in The Palestinian Authority. Ticks Tick Borne Dis. 5: 366-372.
Berlin, D., Shaabon K., Peery, D. (2015) Congenital oesophageal stricture in an Arabian filly treated by balloon dilation. Equine Vet Educ, 27: 230-236.
Steinman, A., Kelmer, G., Tatz, A., Berlin, D. (2015) Review: Perioperative Antibiotics Prophylaxis in Equine Surgical Colic Patients – Are We Doing the Right Thing? Israel J Vet Med, 70: 3-6.
Berlin, D., Steinman, A., Raz, T. (2018) Post-partum concentrations of serum progesterone, estradiol and prolactin in Arabian mares demonstrating foal rejecting or normal maternal behavior. Vet J, 232: 40–45.
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