Efrat Yagil-Kelmer

Efrat Kelmer and Marie E. Kerl Heat prostration, Chapter 135, in - Morgan, RV (editor), Handbook of Small Animal Practice, 5th edition, 2007, Saunders-Elsevier, pp 1257-1260.
Efrat Kelmer and F.A. Mann, Cardiopulmonary Arrest and Resuscitation, in- Ettinger and Feldman (editors), Textbook of Veterinary Internal medicine, 7th edition, Invited chapter, in press.
Bruchim Y, Kelmer, E, Canine Heatstroke. In: Silverstein and Hopper, Textbook of Small Animal Critical Care, 2nd edition 2015, Elsevier, Chapter 149
Kelmer, E and Tobias K, Standards of Care - Septic Peritonitis, Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian. March 2009.
Bruchim, Y and Kelmer E, Post-operative management of dogs with Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV). Invited review for a special GDV issue. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. Top Companion Anim Med. 2014 Sep;29(3):81-5.
Yagil-Kelmer, E. Mann, FA. and Wagner-Mann, C., (2006). Postoperative Complications Associated with Jejunostomy Tube Placement using the Interlocking Box Technique Compared to Standard Jejunopexy in Dogs and Cats: 76 cases (1999-2003), Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (JVECCS), nutrition issue Vol 16, No.2, June p14-20.
Kelmer E, Scanson LC, Reed A and Love LC, (2009) Correlation between End Tidal CO2 measured via a nasal catheter and arterial CO2 in critically ill dogs, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association
Bruchim Y, Srugo I, Ben-Halevy S, Kelmer E, Yudelevitch S, Aroch I and Segev G, Evaluation of Lidocaine as a treatment of Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus in dogs. Accepted for publication, Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, 2012
Hadar G, Kelmer E, Segev G, Bruchim Y, Aroch I, Protein C Activity in Vipera Palaestinae Envenomed Dogs, accepted for publication, Journal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 2012
Kelmer E , Marer K , Bruchim Y , Klainbart S , Aroch I and Segev G , Retrospective evaluation of safety and efficacy of Tranexamic acid (Hexakapron) for treatment of bleeding disorders in dogs. The Israeli Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Vol. 68(2)
Oppenheimer N, Merbl Y, Milgram J, Klainbart S, Bruchim Y and Kelmer E, (2014) Autologous blood-patch for treatment of persistent pneumothorax in dogs, Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care; Vol 24(2):215-20.
Kelmer E, Segev G, Codner C, Bruchim Y, Klainbart S and Aroch I, Assessment of a portable prothrombin analyzer (CoaguChek XS) in dogs, (2014), Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care; Jul-Aug;24(4):455-60
Lenchner I, Segev G, Kelmer E, Aroch I and Bruchim Y, Vipera palaestina snake envenomation in 18 cats – a retrospective study. (2014) Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care; Jul-Aug;24(4):437-43.
Bruchim Y, Aroch I, Segev G, Kushnir Y, Epstein A and Kelmer E, Positive pressure ventilation in 58 dogs: indications, complications, outcome and risk factors for mortality (2014), Journal of Small Animal Practice, Jun;55(6):314-9.
Hadar G, Kelmer E, Segev G, Bruchim Y and Aroch I, Protein C Activity in Dogs Envenomed by Vipera Palaestinae, (2014), Toxicon, Sep;87:38-44.
Klainbart S, Vidmayer, B, Kelmer E, Bdolah-Abram, T, Segev, G Aroch I, Peripheral and central venous blood glucose concentrations in dogs and cats with acute arterial thromboembolism. (2014), Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine; Sep-Oct;28(5):1513-9.
Bruchim Y, Aroch I, Eliav A, Abbas A, Frank I, Kelmer E, Codner C, Segev G, Epstein Y, and Horowitz M, two years of combined high-intensity physical training and heat acclimatization affect lymphocyte and serum HSP70 in purebred military working dogs, (2014) Journal of Applied Physiology; Jul 15;117(2):112-8.
Oron, L, Mazaki-Tovi, M, Neri D, Aroch I and Kelmer, E, (2014) Hypoadrenocorticism diagnosed by adrenocorticotropin stimulation test for aldosterone in a diabetic cat, Israeli Journal of Veterinary Medicine: Vol. 69 (4) 234-38.
Kelmer E, Segev G, Papashvilli V, Rahimi-Levene, N, Aroch,I, Bruchim, Y and Klainbart S, Effects of Intravenous Administration of Tranexamic acid on Hematological, Hemostatic and Thromboelastographic Analytes in Healthy Dogs. (2015) Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care; Jul-Aug;25(4):495-501.
Bruchim Y, Segev G, Kelmer E, Codner C, Marisat A, Horowitz M. Hospitalized dog's recovery from naturally occurring heatstroke; does serum heat shock protein 72 can provide prognostic biomarker? (2016) Cell Stress Chaperones. Jan;21(1):123-30.
Kelmer, E, Bruchim Y, Cohen, A, Codner C, Segev G and Aroch I, Hemostatic Abnormalities in Dogs with Naturally-Occurring Heatstroke. (2017) the Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care May;27(3):315-324.
Chai, O. Peery, D., Bdolah-Abram, T., Moscovich, E.S. Kelmer, E, Klainbart, S., Milgram, J., and Shamir, HM. Computerized tomography findings in canine head trauma and a novel prognostic CT-based scoring index. (2017). American Journal Veteinary Reserch. Sept, 78(9),1085-1090.
Klainbart, S., Agi, L., Bdolah-Abram, T., Kelmer, E , Aroch, I Clinical, laboratory and hemostatic findings in cats with naturally occurring sepsis. (2017) Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Nov 1; 251 (9): 1025-1034.
Klainbart, S., Bibring, U., Strich, D , Chai, O., Bdolah-Abram, T., Kelmer, E.. (2017) Retrospective evaluation of 140 dogs involved in road traffic accidents. Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association, In press.
Oron, L., Bruchim, Y., Klainbart, S., and Kelmer, E. (2017) Ultrasound guided intracardiac xenotransfusion of canine packed red blood cells to the left ventricle of a severely anemic cat during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. the Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, Mar;27(2):218-223.
Oron, LPI, Klainbart, SC, Bruchim, YC; McMurray, JC, Boysen, SPI, Saar, MS and Kelmer, EPI. (2018) Comparison of admission saphenous and cephalic blood lactate concentrations in dogs with gastric dilatation and volvulus: 45 cases, accepted for publication, Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research Oct;82(4):271-277 [0.735; 83/136 (Vet Sciences),7]
Ohad D.G.PI, Segev YS, Kelmer EC, Aroch I, Bdolah-Abram T, Segev G , Klainbart SPI, (2018) Constant rate infusion vs. intermittent bolus administration of IV furosemide in 100 pets with acute left-sided congestive heart failure: A retrospective study. The Veterinary Journal, 238:70-75.
Berlin, NPI, Kelmer EC, Segev GC, Aroch IC, and Kelmer GPI, (2019) Assessment of the CoaguChek-XS portable prothrombin time point-of-care analyzer for horses. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 31(3):448-452
Klainbart SPI, Grabernik MS, Kelmer EC, O ChaiC , O CuneahC , G SegevC , I ArochPI , (2019) Clinical manifestations, laboratory findings, treatment and outcome of acute organophosphate or carbamate intoxication in 102 dogs: A retrospective study, the Veterinary Journal, Sep;251:105349
Ohad, D.G.PI Segev, GC, Hazut, YS Golani, YC. Bruchim, YC, Klainbart, SC, Milgram, JC. Aroch, IC and Kelmer, EPI, (2020) Retrospective Evaluation of Clinical, Clinicopathological and Echocardiographic Findings Associated with Survival in 108 Dogs with Cardiac Tamponade, The Israeli Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 75(3) 133-141.
Shnaiderman-TorbanPI, A, Navon-Venezia, SC, Kelmer, EC, Cohen, AC, Paitan, YC, Arielly, HC and Steinman API, (2020) Extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae shedding by dogs and cats hospitalized in an emergency and critical care department of a veterinary teaching hospital. Antibiotics 27;9 (9):545.
Kelmer, E,PI Oved SS, Abu Ahmad, WC, Chai, OC, Aroch, IC, and Klainbart, SPI, (2020) Retrospective Evaluation of Factors Associated with the Morbidity and Outcome of Permethrin Toxicosis in Cats, The Israeli Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 75(3) 142-147.
Rapoport, KPI, Mateob IC, Peery, DC, Mazaki-Tovi MC, Klainbart SC, Kelmer, EC, Ruggeri M, Shamir, M.HC., Chai OPI. (2020) The prognostic value of the Koret CT score in dogs following traumatic brain injury , the Veterinary Journal, 266, p1-5
Chai O, Mazaki-Tovi M, Klainbart S, Kelmer E, Shipov A, Shamir M.H. Serum Concentrations of Neuron-Specific Enolase in Dogs Following Traumatic Brain Injury. J Comp Pathol. 2020 Aug;179:45-51. Epub 2020 Aug 15. PMID: 32958147.
Kelmer, E.PI, Shimshoni, JA.C, Merbl, Y.C, Kolski, O.C, Klainbart, S.PI. Use of Gas-Chromatography Mass Spectrometry for definitive diagnosis of Synthetic Cannabinoid Toxicity an a dog. (2019) the Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, Sep;29(5):573-577.
Berlin NPI, Ohad DGC, Maiorkis IC, Klainbart SC, Kelmer EPI. Successful management of ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia using defibrillation and intravenous amiodarone therapy in a cat. (2020) Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, 30(4):474-480.
Klainbart SPI, Atamna, AS, Kelmer, EC and Aroch IPI, Echis coloratus envenomation in a dog: clinical, hemostatic and thromboelastometric findings and treatment. Clinical Toxicology, Epub ahead of print, Nov 2020.
Klainbart, SPI, Chen HC, Kelmer EC, Segev GC, Therapeutic plasma exchange for the management of type III hypersensitivity reaction and immune mediated vasculitis suspected to be caused by human albumin in a dog, in press, Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care.