Yael Shilo-Benjamini

Y. Shilo-Benjamini, P.J. Pascoe, D.J. Maggs, P.H. Kass and E.R. Wisner. (2013). Retrobulbar and peribulbar regional techniques in cats: A preliminary study in cadavers. Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. Nov;40(6):623-31.
Y. Shilo-Benjamini, P.J. Pascoe, D.J. Maggs, Pypendop BH, P.H. Kass and E.R. Wisner. (2014). Comparison of peribulbar and retrobulbar regional anesthesia with bupivacaine in cats. American Journal of Veterinary Research. Dec;75(12):1029-39.
Y. Shilo-Benjamini, BH. Pypendop, G. Newbold, and PJ. Pascoe. (2017). Plasma bupivacaine concentration following orbital injections in cats. Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. Jan;44(1):178-182.
Kushnir Y, Toledano N, Cohen L, Bdolah-Abram T, and Shilo-Benjamini Y. (2017). Intratesticular and incisional line infiltration with ropivacaine for castration in medetomidine-butorphanol-midazolam sedated dogs. Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. Mar;44(2):346-355.
Y. Shilo-Benjamini, P.J. Pascoe, E.R. Wisner, N. Kahane, P.H. Kass, and D.J. Maggs. (2017). A comparison of retrobulbar and two peribulbar regional anesthetic techniques in dog cadavers. Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. May;44(4):925-932.
Lapid, R. King, T. Bdolah-Abram, and Y. Shilo-Benjamini. (2017). A Retrospective Comparison of Chemical Immobilization with Thiafentanil, Thiafentanil-Azaperone, or Etorphine-Acepromazine in Captive Persian Fallow Deer (Dama Dama Mesopotamica). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. Sep;48(3):627-635.
Y .Kushnir, G. Marwitz, Y. Shilo-Benjamini, and J. Milgram. (2018). Description of a regional anesthesia technique for the dorsal cranium in the dog: A cadaveric study. Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. Sep;45(5):684-694.
A. Tuval, L. Las, and Y. Shilo-Benjamini. (2018). Evaluation of injectable anaesthesia with five medetomidine-midazolam based combinations in Egyptian fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus). Laboratory Animals. Oct;52(5):515-525.
Yael Shilo-Benjamini (2019). A review of ophthalmic local and regional anesthesia in dogs and cats. Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. Jan;46(1):14-27.
Y. Shilo-Benjamini, P.J. Pascoe, D.J. Maggs, S.R. Hollingsworth, A.R. Strom, K.L. Good, S.M. Thomasy, P.H. Kass, and E.R. Wisner. (2019). Retrobulbar versus peribulbar regional anesthesia techniques using bupivacaine in dogs. Veterinary Ophthalmology. Mar;22(2):183-191.
Avni-Magen, N., Zafrir, B., King, R., Bdolah-Abram, T. and Shilo-Benjamini, Y. (2019). Immobilization of captive Persian fallow deer (Dama dama mesopotamica) using medetomidine-ketamine or medetomidine-midazolam. Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. Sep;46(5):662-666.
Shilo-Benjamini, Y. ,Slav, S.A., Kahane, N., Kushnir, Y., Sarfaty, H. and Ofri, R. (2019). Analgesic effects of intraorbital insertion of an absorbable gelatin hemostatic sponge soaked with 1% ropivacaine solution following enucleation in dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Dec 1;255(11):1255-1262.
Tuval, A., Dror-Maman, I., Las, L., Bdolah-Abram, T. and Shilo-Benjamini, Y. (2021). Evaluation of alfaxalone and midazolam with or without flumazenil reversal in Egyptian fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus). Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. doi: 10.1016/j.vaa.2020.12.002. Mar;48(2):239-246.
Pypendop, BH and Shilo-Benjamini, Y. (2021). Pharmacokinetics of butorphanol in male neutered cats anesthetized with isoflurane. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Nov;44(6):883-887.
Steagall PV, Robertson S, Simon B, Warne L, Shilo-Benjamini Y and Taylor S. (2022). ISFM Consensus Guidelines on the Management of Acute Pain in Cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. Jan;24(1):4-30.
Shilo-Benjamini Y, Letz S, Peery D, Abu Ahmad W and Bar-Am Y. (2022). Comparison of three regional anesthetic techniques for the infraorbital or maxillary nerve block in cats: a cadaveric study. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. Apr;24(4):322-327.
Shilo-Benjamini Y, Pe’er O, Abu Ahmad W and Ofri, R. (2023). The effect of anesthetic induction with ketamine, propofol or alfaxalone on intraocular pressure in cats: a randomized masked clinical investigation. Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. Jan;50(1):63-71.
Shilo-Benjamini Y, Lavy E, Yair N, Milgram J, Zilbersheid D, Hod A, Barasch D, Abu Ahmad, W, Cern A and Barenholz Y. (2023). Therapeutic efficacy and pharmacokinetics of liposomal-cannabidiol injection: a pilot clinical study in dogs with naturally-occurring osteoarthritis. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, section Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology. Research topic (Special collection): Use of Cannabis Derivatives in Veterinary Medicine. Aug;10:1224452.