

School Contact Information

Koret School of Veterinary Medicine,
The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agricultural, Food & Environment,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Address: Herzl 229, P.O. Box 12,
Rehovot 76100, Israel

Phone: +972-(0)8-9489021/31;
Fax: +972-(0)8-9467940


Click on any thumbnail to see a larger image

Lower pharyngeal jaw of the black drum Pogonias cromis

Lower pharyngeal jaw of the black drum Pogonias cromis


Cross sections of the femur of naked mole-rats of different ages

Cross sections of the femur of naked mole-rats of different ages


The Atlantic wolffish A. lupus – 3D rendering of the skull and magnifications of the molariform and caniniform teeth

The Atlantic wolffish A. lupus – 3D rendering of the skull and magnifications of the molariform and caniniform teeth


SEM images of transverse sections of a molariform tooth of the Atlantic wolffish A. lupus

SEM images of transverse sections of a molariform tooth of the Atlantic wolffish A. lupus ×

3D imaging of collagen fiber orientation (polarized light microscopy) showing similarity between ZF and medaka, and correlation between fiber orientation and osteocyte distribution in ZF.

3D imaging of collagen fiber orientation (polarized light microscopy) showing similarity between ZF and medaka, and correlation between fiber orientation and osteocyte distribution in ZF.


Light microscopy images of the cross section of the diaphysis of a rat femur, showing the ordered and disordered regions in the cortex, and the presence of cartilaginous islands

Light microscopy images of the cross section of the diaphysis of a rat femur, showing the ordered and disordered regions in the cortex, and the presence of cartilaginous islands


Cross sections of the mandible of naked mole-rats of different ages

Cross sections of the mandible of naked mole-rats of different ages


Results of swim training experiment with medaka and zebrafish

Results of swim training experiment with medaka and zebrafish


The strut of the lower pharyngeal jaw of P. cromis

The strut of the lower pharyngeal jaw of P. cromis


Frog femora: microCT scans and 3-point bending tests

Frog femora: microCT scans and 3-point bending tests


Bat femora: microCT testing, polarized light microscopy, light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, 3-point bending and microoindentation

Bat femora: microCT testing, polarized light microscopy, light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, 3-point bending and microoindentation


Snake teeth: Micro CT of snake skull (teeth and jaws segmented), and a scan of the teeth

Snake teeth: Micro CT of snake skull (teeth and jaws segmented), and a scan of the teeth
