a table-top compact x-ray microCT scanner SkyScan 1174. This scanner uses an x-ray source with adjustable voltage and a range of filters for versatile adaptation to different object densities. A sensitive 1.3 megapixel x-ray camera allows scanning of whole sample volumes in several minutes. Variable magnification (6-30 µm pixel size) is combined with object positioning for easy selection of the object part to be scanned.
The micro- to nano-structure of acellular fish bone
Laboratory of Bone Biomechanics
The Laboratory of Bone Biomechanics is dedicated to the study of the micro- to nano-structure of bones and its association with their mechanical function. Bones of all vertebrates, from man to fish, are studied with cutting-edge techniques and equipment.
The overall objective of the laboratory for bone biomechanics is to study the phenotypic biology of bone as a material. We are therefore interested in particular in the detailed structure of various bones and in their mechanical properties.
The micro- to nano-structure of acellular fish bone
Prof. Ron Shahar
Laboratory of Bone Biomechanics
Special interest
Bone and teeth structure function research in all vertebrates. Combining experimental techniques and numerical simulations. Particular emphasis on high resolution 3D structural studies and micro-mechanical testing