Transition to a Master's Degree in the joint Animal-Veterinary Sciences Department (735) from Veterinary Medicine Studies:
- The rules outlined in the Master's Degree regulations of the Faculty of Agriculture apply to students who wish to transition from Veterinary Medicine studies to a Master's Degree in Department 735: link
- The courses studied during the Veterinary Medicine degree can be counted towards the Master's program, provided they are approved by the advisor and the head of the 735 department.
- The advisor may require the student to take additional courses relevant to their research topic.
- Courses studied as part of the Veterinary Medicine degree and recognized for the Master's degree will not be counted in the future for Veterinary Medicine studies if the student decides to pursue Veterinary Medicine again.
- The student must find a Master's advisor from the list of advisors in the 735 department.
Transition to the Research Track:
Please refer to the list of regulations on the faculty website: link
In summary, the following is required:
- Submit a study program and a thesis plan approved by the advisor and the head of the 735 department.
- Accumulate 24 credit points (CP) from Master's courses (including Veterinary Medicine courses), including a seminar (a seminar in Veterinary Medicine will be recognized) and the course of academic writing through critical thinking development (2 CP).
- Prepare and submit a thesis.
- Pass courses with a minimum grade of 60 and the thesis with a minimum grade of 70.
Transition to the Non-Research Track:
Please refer to the list of regulations on the faculty website: link
In summary, the following is required:
- Accumulate 40 CP from Master's courses (including Veterinary Medicine courses), including two seminars—one in Veterinary Medicine, which will be recognized as one of the two required seminars, and the second on the thesis topic, presented as part of the departmental seminar; and the course of academic writing through critical thinking development (2 CP).
- Prepare and submit a theoretical thesis.
- Pass courses with a minimum grade of 60 and the thesis with a minimum grade of 70.