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School Contact Information

Koret School of Veterinary Medicine,
The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agricultural, Food & Environment,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Address: Herzl 229, P.O. Box 12,
Rehovot 76100, Israel

Phone: +972-(0)8-9489021/31;
Fax: +972-(0)8-9467940





a table-top compact x-ray microCT scanner SkyScan 1174. This scanner uses an x-ray source with adjustable voltage and a range of filters for versatile adaptation to different object densities. A sensitive 1.3 megapixel x-ray camera allows scanning of whole sample volumes in several minutes. Variable magnification (6-30 µm pixel size) is combined with object positioning for easy selection of the object part to be scanned.


The micro- to nano-structure of acellular fish bone

Laboratory of Bone Biomechanics


The Laboratory of Bone Biomechanics is dedicated to the study of the micro- to nano-structure of bones and its association with their mechanical function. Bones of all vertebrates, from man to fish, are studied with cutting-edge techniques and equipment.

The overall objective of the laboratory for bone biomechanics is to study the phenotypic biology of bone as a material. We are therefore interested in particular in the detailed structure of various bones and in their mechanical properties.

Selected Recent Publications

Yudelevitch S. 2009. Adhesions of small intestine and urinary bladder to fracture callus within the pelvic canal in two dogs. Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 22(2):163-5.

Benzioni H., Shahar R., Yudelevitch S., Milgram J. 2008. Bacterial infective arthritis of the coxofemoral joint in dogs with hip dysplasia. Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 21(3):262-6.

Benzioni H., Shahar R., Yudelevitch S., Shipov A., Milgram J. 2009. Lateral thoracic artery axial pattern flap in cats. Vet Surg. Jan;38(1):112-6.

Dr. Sigal Yudelevitch

Special interest

Soft tissue surgery, wound management

Professional Experience and Qualifications

Diplomate of the European collage of veterinary surgeons.


Former head of the small animal surgery department

Membership in Scientific Organizations

European college of veterinary surgery

Selected Recent Publications

Book Chapters:

Efrat Kelmer and Marie E. Kerl Heat prostration, Chapter 135, in - Morgan, RV (editor), Handbook of Small Animal Practice, 5th edition, 2007, Saunders-Elsevier, pp 1257-1260. 

Efrat Kelmer and F.A. Mann, Cardiopulmonary Arrest and Resuscitation, in- Ettinger and Feldman (editors), Textbook of Veterinary Internal medicine, 7th edition, Invited chapter, in press. 

Dr. Efrat Yagil-Kelmer

Special interest

Environmental emergencies, bleeding disorders, coagulation and trauma

Professional Experience and Qualifications

Diplomate, American and European College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care


  • Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care – basic and elective courses
  • Clinical Thinking
  • Clinical Pharmacology


Snake envenomations, heat stroke, bleeding disorders

Membership in Scientific Organizations

Selected Recent Publications

  • Britzi, M. Gross, M. Lavy, E. Soback, S. and Steinman, A. (2010) Bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of metronidazole in fed and fasted horses. J. Vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 33:511-514.
  • Aharonson-Raz, K. Steinman, A. Bumbarov, V. Maan, S. Singh Maan, N. Nomikou, K. Batten, C. Potgieter, C. Gottlieb, Y. Mertens, P. and Klement, E. (2011) The isolation and phylogenetic grouping of Equine Encephalosis Virus in Israel. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 17:1883-1886.


  • Member, Intern and Resident committee, Koret School of Veterinary Medicine
  • Member, Curriculum committee, Koret School of Veterinary Medicine
  • Member, Advising committee for the Minister of Agriculture on the establishment and development of horse races in Israel
  • Head, Advising sub-committee for the Head of the Veterinary Services on Infectious Diseases of Horses
  • Member, specialty committee, Israel Veterinary Medical Association
  • Member, professional discipline committee, Ministry of Agriculture

Selected Publications

Shlezinger N, Minz A, Gur Y, Hatam I, Dagdas YF, Talbot NJ, Sharon A (2011). Anti-apoptotic machinery protects the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea from host-induced apoptotic-like cell death during plant infection. PLoS Pathog 7:e1002185.

Shlezinger N, Eizner E, Dubinchik S, Minz-Dub A, Tetroashvili R, Reider A, Sharon A (2014). Measurement of apoptosis by SCAN©, a system for counting and analysis of fluorescently labelled nuclei. Microbial Cell 1:406-415.

Dr. Neta Shlezinger

Special interest

Fungal immunology, host-pathogen interactions, regulated cell death, microbiology.

Selected Recent Publications

 Shipov A, Israeli I, Weiser E, Kelmer E, Klainbart S, Milgram J. 2015. Minimally invasive unilateral arytenoid lateralization in dogs: a cadaveric study. Research in Veterinary Science.

Shipov A , Kelmer G, Lavy E, Milgram J, Aroch I, Segev G . 2015. Long-term outcome of trans-endoscopic oesophageal mass ablation in dogs with Spirocerca lupi-associated oesophageal sarcoma. The Veterinary Record.

Selected Recent Publications

Y. Shilo-Benjamini, P.J. Pascoe, D.J. Maggs, P.H. Kass and E.R. Wisner. (2013). Retrobulbar and peribulbar regional techniques in cats: A preliminary study in cadaversVeterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. Nov;40(6):623-31.

Y. Shilo-Benjamini, P.J. Pascoe, D.J. Maggs, Pypendop BH, P.H. Kass and E.R. Wisner. (2014). Comparison of peribulbar and retrobulbar regional anesthesia with bupivacaine in catsAmerican Journal of Veterinary Research. Dec;75(12):1029-39.